Pre-order STAR-CROSSED…and make all your wishes come true!


How to make your wishes come true in five easy steps!

  1. Pre-order STAR-CROSSED, in any format, at any retailer.
  2. Send receipt to pintip {at} pintipdunn {dot} com.
  3. Receive this super cute wishlet in the mail.
  4. Close your eyes, make a wish, and tie wishlet to you wrist.
  5. Your wish comes true when wishlet falls off!

Open internationally. Ends October 1, 11:59 pm Eastern. Wishlet comes in pink, black, and white. One wishlet per book. Limited quantity, so get yours now while supplies last!

And…finally…you do know that I don’t actually have any control over your wishes, righht??? Still, we can always hope…and you’ll get an adorable wishlet and the book of my heart out of it!

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